Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Comment-Seeking Post

Yesterday I got into an argument with house parents. The tell me to do stuff that Im not supposed to, so when I do it they give consequences, for technacly following their directions. That got me mad and should've say and done things that I did, but I have to stand up for my self and not let my self get pushed around. For my behaviors I got three days restriction but I think thats a litle bit over the top because they exagerated and it was'nt really a big deal untill they made it.


  1. Yeah I was their. But maybe next time you shouldn't throw the Tapatio sauce because I think that's what got pamela mad the most. I think they went over the top a little too.

  2. Gosh, that sounds like a bad situation. I highly recommend that you apologize and try to talk it out with your houseparents. They may not be perfect but neither are you. It will get better. :-)

  3. Just like Alex, I was their. It was really funny, but I'm not encouraging it mister. But I'm glad your my room mate.
